Monday, August 1, 2011

Midnight Swim

"The water brought an unexpected pleasure to the skin, a jubilant rhythm to the blood, a strange intellectual clarity that enabled him to recieve any message the sea might send.  But all at once he noticed how absolutely alone he was.  It seemed to him that the tide was rising, that the shadows of the moored boats around him were taking on life.  An inexplicable fear came over him.  For the sake of his own self-respect he swam a few more strokes, but without taking his eyes off the spot where his clothes lay on the sand.  This spot was his one link with the world, his only security." (The Cypresses Believe in God by Jose Maria Gironella)

My husband and I have been taking regular night swims, partly because its the only time that we can both go out together.  I have to say that I never initially want to go out - being tired from the day.  I'd much rather just throw myself on my bed and never move again, but I'm always happy once I'm in the water staring at the stars.  With a clear sky above, and clear water around you, one can almost imagine you are swimming around in the universe.  I always go toward the populated area because I'm afraid of snapping turtles and other scary things in the night!  I'll definately miss this once we move to our new place in the city, but at least the ocean will be right down the road.  Hurrah for the east coast!